Imagine a powerful tool that can predict and simulate flood inundation in urbanized coastal areas, helping communities prepare for potential disasters. Meet the FLO-2D flood model, a sophisticated system tailored for Collier County's coastal regions. This cutting-edge model goes beyond traditional flood simulations, offering a detailed urban flood analysis with over 6.5 million cells and a plethora of crucial elements like variable roughness, rainfall patterns, infiltration parameters, buildings, levees, storm drains, and more.
The FLO-2D model is making waves by seamlessly integrating with the EPA Storm Water Management Model (EPA SWMM 5), forming two computational domains sharing hydraulic data:
1. Surface Water System: This grid system handles hydrology and hydraulics, taking into account all urban components that impact flooding.
2. Pipe System: Underground storm drain pipes are expertly routed for efficient runoff management.
One of the key highlights of the FLO-2D storm drain model is its full integration with the surface water system and other urban components. More than 6,500 inlets, 1,400 manholes, and 6,600 conduits have been incorporated into the simulation to create 505 significant storm drain systems. The result? A comprehensive and accurate representation of real-life flood scenarios.
The storm drain model takes the guesswork out of inlet discharge computations. It intelligently predicts the inlet discharge based on inlet geometry and the projected water surface elevations, using weir and orifice equations. Not stopping there, the model also offers three inlet options for typical storm drain inlets and a fourth option for unique inlet conditions. Additionally, manhole covers are accounted for, allowing return flow based on a surcharge depth, ensuring an accurate representation of real-world situations.
Through coupling the FLO-2D model with the BCB-FLOOD model and the CH3D-SWAN model, the project has developed powerful rainfall-driven inland flooding and coastal storm surge simulations. Projections for various future climate impacts up to the year 2100 have been successfully generated, aiding in understanding flood risks under different sea level rise scenarios.
An exciting aspect of the FLO-2D model's application is the evaluation of mangrove restoration plans in mitigating storm surge impacts. By incorporating mangrove regrowth areas and revised roughness values, the model has demonstrated reduced flood areas and storm surge magnitudes. Nature-based solutions like mangrove restoration offer a promising approach to bolster coastal resilience against hurricanes and storms.
With ongoing analyses and comprehensive results to be presented in the final report, this FLO-2D model project is poised to empower Collier County with actionable insights to enhance flood management strategies and disaster preparedness. Through innovation and nature-based solutions, coastal communities can forge a path towards greater flood resilience and safeguard their future against the rising challenges of coastal flooding.