There have been a number of FLO-2D models developed for the Albuquerque Corps of Engineers throughout New Mexico by Riada Engineering staff. This includes the entire Middle Rio Grande from Rio Chama confluence to Fort Quitman. Other New Mexico projects for the Corps or involving the Corps have included alluvial fan studies, watershed modeling, sediment loading and detention dam breach analyses. The Riada staff has integrated closely with the Corps engineers on these projects providing technical oversight, model component revisions and training. The Corps has supported development of the FLO-2D model in the past including adding sediment transport equations and working with shape files. A number of FLO-2D training classes have been held for the Albuquerque District with the most recent in 2014.
Dr. O’Brien is the Vice-President of Riada Engineering. He has been project manager or engineer on projects involving flood hazard delineation, river mechanics, channel morphology, and sediment transport. He has served as consultant to the Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) as well as numerous other agencies and firms. He was a senior hydraulic engineer with Tetra Tech for 16 years before starting FLO-2D Software, Inc and Riada Engineering. His expertise in hydraulics and hydrology includes computer flood simulation, watershed runoff simulation, hydrographic data collection, investigation of mud and debris flows, and post-event flood damage assessment. Dr. O’Brien has published numerous hydrology and hydraulics articles and has worked on award winning projects. He developed the two-dimensional flood routing model FLO-2D for predicting flow both river flow hydraulics and flow on unconfined alluvial fans and floodplains.
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